TikutGANG proudly presents “WE OUT HERE” a film showcasing the movements and renderings of Aleksi Kemiläinen and his friends.
Avainsana: Tikut Gang
TikutGANG – Mixtape
https://vimeo.com/192688149 Mixtape on Tikut Gangin 5. leffa. Vetämässä Roope Höynä, Aleksi Kemiläinen, Ville Väisänen, Roope Koitola ja Zakke.
Aleksi Kemiläinen FULL PART – Tikut : BEHHENBAHHER
Aleksi’s full part from the TikutGANG : BEHHENBAHHER -movie. ”TikutGANG presents a snowboard movie for snowboarders. BEHHENBAHHER is our 4th release.” Watch the Full Movie: vimeo.com/145404804 Join us: facebook.com/Tikut Stay […]